SORO - Nigeria's Main Graphical User Interface illustrated below.
The screen is divided into four screen sections as shown above:
• Display:
Displays English and the translated languages of Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba.
• Browsing:
Data can be searched by browsing the data using scroll bar or first character of data to search for and then selecting data of choice. When selected, the details of the selected data is displayed in the display section.
• Search by Criteria:
Data can be searched by criteria such as “single room” which returns “a single room”. The found data is displayed in the display section. Option to find remaining data is performed in a secondary form displayed immediately the searching was initiated.
• Translation sections:
This section can be used independent of the display and searching sections. Sentences can be translated to any of Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa. The translated data is then displayed on the translation section as illustrated above. Reverse data translation can also be performed from these languages to English.